January 13, 2008

Here is another private conversation between Ross & Moira on January 13th, 2008. Once again Ross gave me the conversation so I could analyze it for him. My comments are in blue. Moira kept treating him quite badly. This conversation took place on MSN Messenger. I can't believe spent so much time reading and commenting on all of Moira's insanity. Unfortunately as we see in almost 2016 it didn't convince Ross it's time to move on to the real world!



MOIRA says (22:58):


MOIRA says (22:59):

are you there?

ross says (22:59):

hi moira

ross says (22:59):

was just taking a nap

MOIRA says (22:59):


ross says (22:59):

hows you?

MOIRA says (22:59):

missed you

MOIRA says (22:59):


MOIRA says (23:00):

how are you?

MOIRA says (23:01):


Blushes to indicate she is really attached to you beyond hope. Immediately assumes you are busy as usual.

ross says (23:01):

i missed you too, but its pointless:(

ross says (23:01):

no my msn was stuck

MOIRA says (23:01):

sorry,i wont bother you again

MOIRA says (23:01):

aww ok

ross says (23:01):

im ok mili, im just tired

MOIRA says (23:01):


MOIRA says (23:01):


MOIRA says (23:02):


ross says (23:02):


ross says (23:02):

its just never been real for you

MOIRA says (23:02):


ross says (23:02):

so its a waste of time

Here you state that you feel it’s all fantasy for her, but she just smiles to that. She could at least say “but you are real for me”. The smile seems to  indicate that it’s not real for her.

MOIRA says (23:02):

i miss you

MOIRA says (23:02):

:Sdo you want me out?

MOIRA says (23:02):

i will do that for you

MOIRA says (23:03):

if you want

So she continues instead with telling you she misses you but since you claim you are not real for (she didn’t dispute that) she asks if you want her out of your life and she would do that for you, if you like. If she was serious she could say “I miss you and I want you to know you are very real for me. Why would you think you are not?”

ross says (23:03):

you always have meant a lot to me, but i think we are living a lie

ross says (23:04):

ive always been real about you

MOIRA says (23:04):


ross says (23:04):

ffs, youve been my real girlfriend all this time, but its so different for you

So you ignore what she said and tell her straight that she means a lot to you and she is real for you and you see her as your real girlfriend and if she doesn’t see you as real then it’s a lie. All she can say here is “ross”. Like talking over you, doesn’t wanna hear it.

MOIRA says (23:04):

do you want me out of your life?i can do that for you babe.Just tell me


She just continues with the previous idea—she will do you a FAVOR and leave you alone if you want her to! Totally ignoring what you are telling her that you are serious about her.

ross says (23:05):


ross says (23:05):

i dont want you out of my life


Again you stress to her that this is not what you want, that you want her in your life.

MOIRA says (23:05):

maybe it will be better for you

Unfortunately she gives you her annoying “better for you” line. You just told her you want her in your life! So this would mean that you are not real for her and she even thinks it will be better for you if she’s not involved with you.


ross says (23:05):

but i cant do this to myself anymore

You are reading her responses and express to her that you are suffering because of this.


MOIRA says (23:06):

ok ross

MOIRA says (23:06):

maybe we can only be friends


So instead of telling you something like “but I do love you and I’m serious about you—why can’t you see that?” she continues with her previous stuff saying maybe you can only be friends…


ross says (23:06):

i need someone who is there for me, doesnt treat me bad, and is real about me

MOIRA says (23:06):

is that ok for you?

ross says (23:06):

si maybe just friends

MOIRA says (23:06):


MOIRA says (23:06):

i understand


You continue to tell her that you want someone who sees you as “real” for them and treats you well but she ignores you like she isn’t even reading what you say. Just continues with the question if it’s ok for you to just be friends. So you give up and say “yes maybe just friends”


ross says (23:07):

i know you dont feel the same about me as i feel about you, and that means this is wrong

ross says (23:07):

this is only fantasy for you

ross says (23:07):

but for me its real

ross says (23:07):

you know this


So you explain once again that you see her as real and you feel she sees you as fantasy.


MOIRA says (23:07):

you dont know how i feel

So her reply is EVASIVE. Instead of saying how she feels she says “you don’t now how I feel” Yes she is just stating a fact—you don’t know because she isn’t saying anything now. But in the past she has said conflicting things. Hinting about reality but also saying it’s fantasy. So what are you supposed to think?

Why can’t she just say “I do feel you are real for me—what you are saying is not true”??? She just leaves you guessing.


ross says (23:07):

i do moira

ross says (23:07):

your love is just not strong enough

ross says (23:07):

im sorry

MOIRA says (23:08):


ross says (23:08):

i'd give the world for you, or to be with you, but you feel so very different

MOIRA says (23:08):

you dont know waht i feel and how i feel


You say you would give the world for her and again she gives you a cryptic reply telling you that you don’t know… Like so you would think she really loves you for real.


ross says (23:08):

i know how you are though

ross says (23:08):


ross says (23:08):

i know this isnt real love for you

ross says (23:09):

you dont even know what it is

ross says (23:09):

i know what i feel and what ive felt

MOIRA says (23:09):

you dont know 

So you tell her that you know how she acts, not how she feels and you can tell that it’s not real love for her by how she behaves but you know how you feel, but she repeats the same line—that you don’t know. Well why not say it to you instead “you don’t know” over and over?

ross says (23:09):

ive always been very certain

ross says (23:10):

its things like you dating the doc and alejo

ross says (23:10):

id never do that to you

MOIRA says (23:10):

you dont know how it is for me


So you tell her she makes you jealous with real people but she repeats the same old thing---you don’t know how it is for me.


ross says (23:10):

maybe i dont but you never want to talk

ross says (23:10):

and when i say things you never defend yourself

ross says (23:10):

you never put the record straight

MOIRA says (23:10):


ross says (23:10):

you just leave me thinking

MOIRA says (23:10):

i dont want to defend

MOIRA says (23:11):


ross says (23:11):

or tell me think what you like'


You make a good point here that as I’ve been saying before—she doesn’t explain herself. She just makes hints never says anything concrete when you try to talk straight with her.


MOIRA says (23:11):

you dont trust in me

Trust her? Well since she is so mysterious and inconsistent in her behavior it’s hard to just trust her. It’s been months and you still have no idea where you stand, if it’s real or fantasy—obviously it’s hard to keep running on pure faith particularly with someone so inconsistent.


ross says (23:11):

no, you should

MOIRA says (23:11):

what can i do

ross says (23:11):

i'll always defend myself

MOIRA says (23:11):

i wont

ross says (23:11):

i'll always tell you what is what if you think something and its not right

MOIRA says (23:11):

you can think whatever

MOIRA says (23:12):

i know what i am and how i am

ross says (23:12):

thats a very bad attitude though

MOIRA says (23:12):

not for me

ross says (23:12):

no, maybe it works well for you

ross says (23:12):

but it doesnt work in a relationship

ross says (23:13):

cos it makes it like everything i say has no meaning


Well here it gets pretty interesting since you tell her that you always explain yourself and how you feel but she says that “YOU CAN THINK WHATEVER” and that SHE knows herself… and it’s a fine attitude for her… So you tell her the reality of things that it’s a ONE WAY RELATIONSHIP if you have to keep saying how you feel about her but she doesn’t do the same but feels she just needs to know herself.


MOIRA says (23:13):

you didnt answer me yesterday

MOIRA says (23:13):

i cant always say no ross,you are wrong

MOIRA says (23:13):

just i cant


At this point it’s time to put you on the defense—“you didn’t answer me yesterday”. Attack is the best defense. Now she says that she can’t “always” tell you the truth of how she feels. But hey, she never tells you anything concrete. She says she “just cant”. Why not?


ross says (23:13):

you never tell me that im wrong

ross says (23:13):

you always leave me guessing

MOIRA says (23:13):

you are wrong

MOIRA says (23:13):


ross says (23:14):

or make me feel stupid by not answering me

MOIRA says (23:14):



So you tell her she NEVER tells you “otherwise”. But she says you are wrong. SO WHY NOT SAY I NOW? Now would be a good time….


ross says (23:15):

i need solid love. i need true love. i need someone who feels the same about me as i feel about her

ross says (23:15):

someone who is willing to make scarifices for me like i make for her

MOIRA says (23:15):

i repeat:you dont know how i feel about you


You again repeat that you expect loyalty from her—that you expect her to show you the same honor and respect as you show her. Again her answer is evasive: ROBOT: “I repeat…” Well sure you don’t know how she feels about you, and why not tell you now?


ross says (23:15):


ross says (23:15):

i only know your actions

ross says (23:15):

and your actions say a lot

ross says (23:15):

im sorry

ross says (23:16):

but its true

MOIRA says (23:16):

you see

MOIRA says (23:16):

i said you are wrong and you dont belive me

MOIRA says (23:16):

what can i do?


You again tell her that you can see her actions, and actions say a lot of course. Good point. Actions mean much more than words. But she can only repeat the same cryptic answer: that you are wrong and don’t believe her. Don’t believe what? She didn’t say anything in particular. “what can I do?” lol, ummm maybe just talk instead of just say you don’t know anything….


ross says (23:16):

you look at my actions, sure i talk to you bad sometimes

ross says (23:16):

and i chase through the rooms, crazy cos i wanna make things right with you

ross says (23:17):

but always im there for you

MOIRA says (23:17):


ross says (23:17):

always ready to give you my love

MOIRA says (23:17):


MOIRA says (23:17):


MOIRA says (23:17):

and i apreciate that

MOIRA says (23:17):

a lot


At this point there is a sudden change of attitude which she likes: you tell her that for example she can see your actions and how dedicated you are to her. So she says yes and hugs you and says she appreciates it. Well here you tell her what you do for her and that’s what she wants to hear. She doesn’t wanna hear what she needs to do for you. LOL! But she loves to hear you tell her how dedicated you are to her.


ross says (23:17):


ross says (23:17):

no baby

ross says (23:17):

i dont feel that

ross says (23:17):


MOIRA says (23:17):


MOIRA says (23:18):

im sorry

MOIRA says (23:18):

i dont want to hurt you

MOIRA says (23:18):

but all is complicated



So you tell her that you don’t feel she appreciates it. She says that--but you don’t feel the same from her… So she says she doesn’t wanna hurt you “but all is complicated”! Complicated? So she is saying she is hurting you because things are complicated. I thought she was a simple girl as she says?


ross says (23:18):


MOIRA says (23:19):

im so sorry

MOIRA says (23:19):


ross says (23:19):


MOIRA says (23:20):

(K)smacks you


So she apologizes for hurting you…


ross says (23:20):

i think we must be apart

ross says (23:20):

i think you need others

ross says (23:20):

or maybe you need doc

ross says (23:21):

you are not ready for me


But you don’t give in so fast and tell her that you think she needs others besides you. You tell her the facts of what she does and says.


MOIRA says (23:21):

ok ross.No,i dont need others,but maybe you can be happy


So she tells you she doesn’t need others, and again like throws something in your face: maybe you can be happy… Not clear what this means but it’s like maybe you can be happy without me.


ross says (23:21):

but you date doc

MOIRA says (23:21):

i dont want any guy

ross says (23:21):

you wanted to see what happens

MOIRA says (23:21):

its ok if you need someone else


She throws it back to you—puts you on the defense as if you are trying to get rid of her—ignoring all your efforts so far.


MOIRA says (23:22):

i dont want any guy

MOIRA says (23:22):

i can understand you dont want me anymore


Funnily she tells you she doesn’t want “any guy”. Not you? And again throws it back in your face that she can understand you don’t want her anymore. Like she didn’t understand up to now that you do want her but not if she’s gonna be just fantasy and mess with everybody else and make you jealous.


ross says (23:22):

if you was serious about me you would never had started dating alejo, or doc

ross says (23:22):

i dont want you, unless there are big changes

ross says (23:22):

and i dont think you will make those changes

ross says (23:23):

your definately not ready for a real relationship

ross says (23:23):

especially with an enlishman

ross says (23:23):


MOIRA says (23:23):

This is me.Maybe im not enough for you


So you tell her very straight again—that she must make changes if it’s going to be a real relationship. But she just tells you as she likes to, that this is her and she won’t change and maybe she is not enough for you… So basically you got nowhere so far…


ross says (23:24):

i dont get enough love from you

ross says (23:24):

i dont get any commitment from you

ross says (23:24):

you even wanted to flirt with other guys

ross says (23:24):

we sort of went backwards

ross says (23:24):

only so i didnt get angry with you all the time

MOIRA says (23:25):

do you have another girl?


You keep telling her that you don’t feel she is true to you. That you don’t see any dedication from her. So her idiotic reply at this point is “do you have another girl?” This is maddening at this point because you have just spent so much effort and time telling her how important she is to you and how you are willing to stick with her and she throws this in your face. You could tell her—“well if I had another girl why am I even talking to you now?”


ross says (23:25):

you told me that if i wanted to be with you, then you must be allowed to be free

ross says (23:26):

ive met a girl but nothing is happening

ross says (23:26):

she fancies me bad, but i only talk

ross says (23:26):

nothing has happened

MOIRA says (23:26):

ok ross

ross says (23:26):

do you understand what im saying?

ross says (23:27):

i love you, but we cant go on like this


So you are honest with her and you first tell her that she insists on being “free” if you want to be with her and tell her that you did meet someone but tell her you love her but you can’t continue a pointless relationship.


MOIRA says (23:27):

Do you like her?

ross says (23:27):

i dont know if i can be with someone else

ross says (23:27):

yeah she's ok

ross says (23:27):

i dont really have feelings for her

MOIRA says (23:27):

how do you know?


Well that’s insulting—how do you know you don’t have feelings? She knows herself so well but you don’t know your own feelings? She should be just happy that you still are with her…


MOIRA says (23:27):

where did you meet her?

ross says (23:27):

just she is nice ,thats all

ross says (23:27):

nats room

MOIRA says (23:28):


MOIRA says (23:28):

maybe you should take my name away from your room


Here we go again with this room name business. But it’s kinda interesting that she asks where you met the girl and when you say in ares she brings up the question of her name in your room, like that if it’s in ares then it has to do with her but if it wasn’t in ares then maybe she wouldn’t talk about her name in your room…


MOIRA says (23:28):

ok ross

ross says (23:28):

maybe but i wont

MOIRA says (23:28):

do it

MOIRA says (23:28):

if she likes you


And she tells you to do it if she likes you. Like she is saying her relationship with you is an “ares” relationship…


ross says (23:28):

i want you, but i dont think your willing to make changes


So you tell her again you want HER! But that she has to make changes…


MOIRA says (23:28):

who is she?

ross says (23:29):

her name is rae rae

ross says (23:29):

its not rae from pleasures

ross says (23:29):

its someone else

MOIRA says (23:29):

no,i told you i want my man only mine.if you were talking to her its okThat means she likes you


So at this point she can only state to you her “game rules” that she wants “her man only hers”. And wants to be sure she likes you too. But also seems to indicate she can let you go, that it’s ok.


ross says (23:29):

yeah she likes me

ross says (23:30):

but its upto you, if you want me

ross says (23:30):

but if you want me then there needs to be some big changes

ross says (23:30):

i cant go on how we have been

ross says (23:30):

its you i love but, i cant go on living it if its a lie

ross says (23:31):

i can give you all my heart as i have been, but i need a lot back


So as she says she can let you go easy, you come towards her now and tell her that you love HER but YOU NEED TO KNOW IF SHE LOVES YOU TOO. She could tell you that YES SHE LOVES YOU TOO AND DOESN’T WANNA LOSE YOU. BUT SHE DOESN’T!:



MOIRA says (23:31):

not anymore.Not now ross,i will be so jealous and i dont want to suffer anymore.That is why i like chatting to all,i feel all cant hurt me


So it’s like you said nothing—she tells you she doesn’t want you anymore since SHE WILL BE JEALOUS! (and that makes her “suffer”) And she likes to “chat to all” to protect herself because she won’t be dependent on anyone. This goes back to what she says about all men being the “same”. But you have told her you want HER not whoever you met. So it’s so easy for her to let you go?! I would be pretty disappointed at this point… She isn’t referring to what she isn’t giving you in the relationship at all…



ross says (23:31):

i need to feel love from you

ross says (23:31):

ok you arent willing to make changes

MOIRA says (23:31):

why were you talking to her?you always said you are there for me


So you continue and tell her that you need to feel love from her and you catch on right—that she isn’t willing to make changes. But she ignores all that and now attacks you to put you on the defense again—“why were you talking to her”… hmm she should be intelligent enough to figure this out—you just told her in a million different ways just now—because you don’t feel she feels about you as you feel about her…


ross says (23:31):

i only hurt you when youve hurt me

ross says (23:32):

you fucked off

ross says (23:32):

you left me

ross says (23:32):

you ignored me

MOIRA says (23:32):

you are hurting me again as when you were with music

MOIRA says (23:32):

you probably will be chatting in pm with her

MOIRA says (23:32):

you see


So you try to tell her how she hurts you but she continues with her attack to put you on the defense again. Reminding you of music and telling you what you will PROBABLY do, like saying you are full of shit and you don’t really love her…


ross says (23:32):

i wasnt with music till you got so angry that night cos i was talking to her

MOIRA says (23:32):

you cant trust on me

MOIRA says (23:32):

and me in you

ross says (23:32):

i know

MOIRA says (23:32):

so you did it

ross says (23:33):

but ive always been so truthfull to you

ross says (23:33):

ive always been true to you


Continues to attack you that you don’t trust her and tells you she cant’ trust you. And you tell her you have always been true to her.


MOIRA says (23:33):

no ross

ross says (23:33):

you hurt me so much before you went to brazil

ross says (23:33):

i was in tears for a couple of days

ross says (23:33):

you really hurt me badly


So all she can say is “no ross!” Then you tell her how much she hurt you when she went to brazil and you cried for two days but she throws that back to you, doesn’t care at all:


MOIRA says (23:34):

you too

MOIRA says (23:34):

then and now

ross says (23:34):

i was so depressed cos of the way you treated me

MOIRA says (23:34):

i was alone all this time

ross says (23:34):


MOIRA says (23:34):

i have a lot of guys around

ross says (23:34):

i do not belive that

MOIRA says (23:34):

but im alone

MOIRA says (23:34):

but ...who cares

MOIRA says (23:34):


MOIRA says (23:34):



So she wants to say she is miserable too since she is alone. Saying she has a lot of guys around but is alone and nobody cares… You just told her how much you care about her and love her… So she wants you to feel pity for her and change the way you are talking to her at this point. Question is, you say you love her and want to be with her so why does she say she is alone? So you are just one of the “a lot of guys” around her?


ross says (23:34):

you have others just like when i first met you

ross says (23:34):

tell me what it was with magicman?

MOIRA says (23:34):

then dont tell me to defend me

ross says (23:35):

please tell me te truth

MOIRA says (23:35):


ross says (23:35):

you are lying

MOIRA says (23:35):


ross says (23:35):

he told me nothing, but others say that something went on

MOIRA says (23:35):

nothing happened

MOIRA says (23:35):


MOIRA says (23:36):

now is late,you met another girl

MOIRA says (23:36):



Well you put her on the spot since she says you are not faithful to her and of course she says nothing happened “absolutely” but doesn’t sound shocked at all… She could say “what? Where did you hear that?! That’s crazy! He was just a friend.” Instead she attacks you again “now is (too) late, you met another girl” WHAT? You just told her you have nothing with this girl you met, YET.


ross says (23:36):

you always need other men around you

MOIRA says (23:36):

it doesnt care anymore

MOIRA says (23:36):

i have to go

ross says (23:36):

yeah well if you dont want me then

ross says (23:36):

and you do not want me

MOIRA says (23:36):

you need girls too as im seeing

MOIRA says (23:36):

i do want you


Again just attacks you telling you, you want other girls, ignoring what you told her already. But tells you she does want you—yeah she doesn’t wanna lose you.


ross says (23:36):


MOIRA says (23:36):

but not anymore

MOIRA says (23:36):


ross says (23:37):

you dont you always want to be aapart

MOIRA says (23:37):

good luck with her hun


Shows that she can let you go. Plays cool… That’s the ticket!


ross says (23:37):

i told you the truth that i talk to someone

MOIRA says (23:37):

you will be happy

MOIRA says (23:37):

you are amazing


Gives you a compliment to show that she thinks you are fantastic and she still wants you.


ross says (23:37):

im asking you if you can change for me before its too late

ross says (23:37):

no, im not

ross says (23:37):

i wish i was

MOIRA says (23:37):

sorry you just have someone else


WOW! As you can see she now TURNED THE TABLE in the past few minutes so instead of you asking her to be true to you, she now makes YOU the guilty one and you need to now convince HER that you are true to her!!!


ross says (23:37):

was never amazing for you

ross says (23:38):

do i?

MOIRA says (23:38):

i cant deal with that

ross says (23:38):

do i have someone else?

ross says (23:38):

i dont yet

MOIRA says (23:38):

you were talking and you like her,you have

ross says (23:38):

no hun

MOIRA says (23:38):

bye.i loved you

MOIRA says (23:38):

have to go


Yeah, she just can’t deal with you now being with another girl (but you keep telling her you DO NOT! Doesn’t she understand English?) At this point she tells you she LOVED you in the past and she has to go—now she is playing HARD TO GET. “You want me Ross? You will have to prove yourself worthy! I don’t have to prove anything to you as you have been saying—it’s you who has to prove something to me” She is always excellent in picking something to hang on to and make a huge deal out of it. You told her you were TALKING to Rae and now you are the guilty one—you are the one who is not true to the relationship…


ross says (23:38):

you talk to lots of other guys

ross says (23:39):

and they all fancy you

ross says (23:39):

andrew you tell me he's so nice'

MOIRA says (23:39):

thanks for all

MOIRA says (23:39):

was amazing be with you


So you of course defend yourself and tell her that she talks to other guys and you are nice about it—you say that THEY “fancy her” not saying that she comes on to them! LOL! So she continues her previous thread, being nice and non-emotional—“thanks for all, was amazing with you” to make you want her back again…


ross says (23:39):


ross says (23:39):

i only got you down


You pick up on this and tell her how she “appreciated” your dedication to her in the past…


MOIRA says (23:39):

have to go

ross says (23:39):

i only made you miserable

ross says (23:40):

and thats the truth

MOIRA says (23:40):

sorry,didnt understand that

MOIRA says (23:40):

was amazing and i loved you so much


Suddenly she has no claim against you anymore. You were just amazing to her and she LOVED you so much, (not anymore) She doesn’t know what you are talking about. But just earlier in the conversation she said “I DON’T WANT TO SUFFER ANYMORE” basically saying she has been miserable with you. Now she wants you to think you are losing someone who thinks you are amazing and loves you so much…


ross says (23:40):

think about it, i will be yours if you are willing to make changes

ross says (23:40):

no mili

ross says (23:40):


ross says (23:40):

dont say that

ross says (23:40):

you always say you love me sometimes

ross says (23:40):

you didnt love me so much

ross says (23:41):

its a lie

ross says (23:41):

you would have showed me so much love if you did


So you again, you pick up on this J and tell her that if she thinks you are so great then she can have you IF she are WILLING TO MAKE CHANGES. You tell her straight that her love is INCONSISTENT and she is lying—she sometimes says she loves you and then says she hates you or is just cold to you…


MOIRA says (23:41):

ross,its not the same anymore.You broked all.

ross says (23:41):

yeah right

ross says (23:41):

i think you broke it


So she continues to put you on the defense and tells you that you “BROKED ALL” so you would try to fix what you broke! J


MOIRA says (23:41):

sorry im speaking my mind

MOIRA says (23:41):


ross says (23:42):

if you are willing to change for me, and be willing to meet me oneday i will tell her bye

MOIRA says (23:42):

i wont talk to you anymore if you dont do it first,cause i dont want to be in the middle of you and her


Here you make your point again that she must change for you and that she must be willing to meet you in reality—or you will just leave her. SO SHE FLIPS THIS ON YOU!!!! You now have to make a choice not her!!! LOL!!! Now you have a problem—you need to make changes not her!!!


ross says (23:42):

but if your not then i wont carry on living your fantasy

MOIRA says (23:42):

i have to go  now

MOIRA says (23:42):

good luck


The “have to go now” is like “it’s a SALE get it now or it will be all gone”. Makes you feel pressured to give in to her…


ross says (23:42):

me and her?

MOIRA says (23:42):


ross says (23:42):

this is what im saying,there is no me and her yet


So you tell her there is no “me and her” as you told her all along.


MOIRA says (23:43):

i dont belive you


So we go to “I don’t believe you”. Now you have to prove you are not a liar. (“Please moira I am not a liar! Please please moira believe me please! Why do you think I would lie to you—don’t you know I’m honest?”) Which is what basically happened: she gets you angry:


ross says (23:43):

but if you dont want me then there may be me and her

MOIRA says (23:43):

if you told me is cause you are with her

ross says (23:43):

fuck sake moira, ive told you the truth

MOIRA says (23:43):

good luck with her

ross says (23:43):


MOIRA says (23:43):

im told you the thruth too

ross says (23:43):

i only told you cos i cannot lie to you

MOIRA says (23:43):


MOIRA says (23:43):

have to go

MOIRA says (23:43):

cant be here anymore


So you are now desperate to prove to her you are telling her the truth but she decides to leave you with the idea that she doesn’t believe you and thinks you are lying to her. You become a liar now…


ross says (23:43):

i'll give you tim to think

ross says (23:44):


ross says (23:44):

let me know if you want me for real

ross says (23:44):

if you can give me what i need then i'll stay with you

ross says (23:45):

but if you cant, and you wont change then i have to move on

ross says (23:47):

i can give you all my love

ross says (23:47):

i can give you all my world

ross says (23:48):

but not if its not real

ross says (23:48):

its not too late

ross says (23:48):

im not in love with this girl

ross says (23:49):

all my feelings are only for you

ross says (23:49):

but are you ready for it to be real?

ross says (23:50):

ready to make sacrifices for me

ross says (23:50):

i know i can make sacrifices for you

ross says (23:51):

id leave my country and my family to be with you


So you want to make the point again and are summarizing what you told her before and tell her she has to make a choice and change her behavior. You tell her how much you are dedicated to her. You will even leave your country for her.


ross says (23:52):

but you need to be real, you need to be only mine, stop dating doc, stop flirting with other guys, and have a plan to meet me

ross says (23:52):

if its real love then you will meet me , and you can still study

ross says (23:56):

i dont think it is real love for you



You make yourself clear. She needs to meet you. You don’t want to sit dream forever about someone who isn’t serious about you.


MOIRA says (23:56):

you just moved on

MOIRA says (23:56):

you didbnt waste your time

MOIRA says (23:56):

fine ross

ross says (23:56):

i havent moved on

MOIRA says (23:56):

i wont bother you again

MOIRA says (23:56):

im not datting anyone


I think she made herself LOOK OFFLINE to see if you would continue writing? Am I right?


Anyway she sees you are so desperate for her now so she says that she is sure you don’t need her anymore and adds that she is still free, but it’s too late for you… She is pretty tough, eh?


ross says (23:56):

shut up and listen

MOIRA says (23:56):

but who cares

MOIRA says (23:56):


ross says (23:56):

im dating no one either

ross says (23:57):

you date doc

ross says (23:57):



You tell her well here—she is the one talking about dating (meeting) men in real life.


MOIRA says (23:57):

you met a girl

MOIRA says (23:57):


MOIRA says (23:57):

be happy

ross says (23:57):

i met someone who likes me

MOIRA says (23:57):

i dont need this

MOIRA says (23:57):

im really sad


So she continues with her idiotic thread that simply ignores what you have been saying, assumes you are a liar and claims you are making her sad so you will now try to cheer her up.


ross says (23:57):

you meet guys who like you very often

MOIRA says (23:57):

just leave me alone

ross says (23:57):

you have a choice

MOIRA says (23:57):


ross says (23:57):

im not with her yet

MOIRA says (23:57):

you destroyed it

MOIRA says (23:57):

i dont care

MOIRA says (23:57):

you wanted to meet her


She takes the whole conversation and turned into an argument over you having picked someone new over her…


ross says (23:57):

if you are willing to change for me then i choose you

MOIRA says (23:57):

that is enough for me

ross says (23:58):

its ok for you to date other guys in real


You are not phased by this tactic!!! You tell her she needs to change and tell her that she meets guys in REAL.


MOIRA says (23:58):


ross says (23:58):

to be close friends with guys that fancy you on ares

ross says (23:58):





MOIRA says (23:58):

have to go

MOIRA says (23:58):


ross says (23:59):

but if i talk to a girl who likes me then you give up on me

ross says (23:59):


ross says (23:59):

you are full of it

ross says (23:59):

have to go,

ross says (23:59):

yeah right


Yeah she gives up pretty fast on you. You tell her how dedicated you STILL ARE to her and that you don’t care about the girl you met yet but she DECIDES you are LYING to her and tells you it’s fine with her and she’s fine with letting you go. Again—now you have to think about tomorrow and how you will get her back again… J


ross says (23:59):

well, its your choice

ross says (23:59):

if you really want me then tell me before its too late

ross says (00:00):

otherwise you may lose me forever

ross says (00:00):

i dreamed of you for so long

ross says (00:00):

i really fucking dreamed of you

ross says (00:00):

loved you so much

ross says (00:01):

i still do

ross says (00:01):

but how can i go on being treated how you treat me?

ross says (00:02):

if you want me i want your full love

ross says (00:02):

in return i give you my full love

ross says (00:02):

maybe you should phone me and we can talk about this in person

ross says (00:03):

or maybe your just gutted because your fantasy world has gone wrong


Yes good point. It’s both that she is losing the fantasy game and that she has lost her control over you. In fact I think that this is why she won’t say what makes her sad. Simply that she has lost her power over you also the fantasy game… But she can’t tell me this…


ross says (00:03):

i cant dream about someone who only plays love

ross says (00:04):

its not a game

ross says (00:04):

you think and tell me if you want me

ross says (00:04):

if you do ,then i will tell her im staying with you

ross says (00:04):

and it will only be me and you

ross says (00:05):

if you dont then i have to move on


Well here you tell her to think and tell you if she wants you which she did before. It’s her actions that don’t show it. Yeah she wants you to get rid of anybody else so you will be dependent on her mercy. Well you told her there is nothing there yet anyway—so why do you have to tell the other girl anything at all yet? You are not with her YET… So maybe those last lines were not that great—and it’s because she left you alone and you are talking to the “ether” for the moment so you maybe “lost a little ground” there…















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